Saturday, September 10, 2011

TJ's Cherry Chocolate Chip Soy Cream vs Ben and Jerry's Cherry Garcia

So I know I said I would post my first review on Friday but I didn't and I'm just going to be honest and tell you why: I got home from school and fell asleep haha (typical teenager). Okay anyway, the review.Today I will be reviewing Trader Joe's Cherry Chocolate Chip Soy Cream.Let me start by saying it is absolutely heavenly, I swear I could hear arcs gloriously playing in the background while I was eating that "ice cream". It has chunks and chunks of cherries and a whole lot of chocolate chips so this "ice cream" is sure to please your sweet tooth. As I was eating my sexy ice cream my little brother, as rude as he is, interrupted me by asking "Can I have some?" in his cute second grader vice. "Sure." I said and served him a scoop on a blue bowl and in a green bowl, I served him a scoop of Ben and Jerry's Cherry Garcia to see which one he likes best (he's okay with this since he's not vegan.) As a little boy of course he liked both, but he said he liked the one from the blue bowl better because it has more chocolate. Now even my non-vegan brother screams for vegan ice cream and so do my visiting relatives. They always ask me where I buy my ice cream because it is shockingly delicious. Even non- vegans enjoy the vegan food alternatives. So if you're vegan and haven't had ice cream in a long time try Trader Joe's Cherry Chocolate Chip Soy Cream(190 calories, 8 grams of fat, 1 gram of fiber per 1/2 cup) which compared to Ben and Jerry's Cherry Garcia( 240 calories, 13 grams of fat, less than one gram of fiber per 1/2 cup), it is much healthier. So vegan cherry chocolate "ice cream" is not only better tasting but also healthier, and cruelty/guilty free! What more can we ask from "ice cream"!? If your wondering if there's a Trader Joe's near you check out their website Oh and did I mention that Trader Joe's is extremely CHEAP? Yup, well have fun enjoying your vegan "ice cream" and feel free to share your opinions about it! 
Lots of love,
Laura Romina 

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

In the Begining

Once upon a time, I decided to go vegan at age 13. You might be saying "Whaaa?" And besides that you might be thinking that I am partially insane and that this diet will affect my health and my development as a teenager and blah blah blah! Anyhow, forget you ignorant people. I designed this blog for all my fellow vegetarians. Here, I will post reviews on vegan products, delicious vegan friendly recipes(with pictures!), and will help guide and support those who wish to become vegans or vegetarians as well. If you have any questions or find yourself having a hard time sticking to your vegetarian diet don't hesitate to email me at I promise you I wont bite because I dont eat meat :) So let me start by giving you my top ten reasons to become vegan/vegetarian.

5.) A vegetarian diet prevents heart disease (our number one killer) and Cancer (our number two killer) and if you don't believe me, take Dr. Campbell's word that, "No chemical carcinogen is nearly so important in causing human cancer as animal protein." Amen Doc, amen. 

4.) Animals are cute. Come on you know you adore those innocent little bunnies! If you feel the same way about animals as me, stop eating meat aka supporting animal cruelty. The animals of the meat, egg, and dairy industry will be left to rot and wont even get a chance to breath fresh air or see the sun until they are sent to the slaughter house where they will be skinned and/or boiled alive and fully conscious. Would you like to be skinned alive, tortured, and boiled alive? I don't think so, and neither do these adorable creatures. (sorry for being so harsh but it's the truth) 

3.) The planet!  Eating meat causes almost 40 percent more greenhouse-gas emissions than all the cars, trucks, and planes in the world combined.The meat industry should be a major policy focus when dealing with problems of land degradation, climate change and air pollution, water shortage and water pollution, and loss of biodiversity. Come on now, let's go green and save our dearest planet Earth! Think about it if our planet becomes unstable, we're in the heck are we going to live? Mars? Not yet we can't, sorry to burst your bubble but Science is not THAT advance yet. 

2.) Help people too! Eating meat doesn't just hurt animals; it hurts people too. It takes tons of crops and water to raise farmed animals-in fact, it takes up to 16 pounds of grain to produce just 1 pound of animal flesh! All that plant food could be used much more efficiently if it was fed to people directly. The more people who go vegetarian, the more we can feed the hungry.

1.) Meat is dead flesh! Imagine eating a zombie...gross right? So is eating DEAD FLESH from an animal.  

 Well I hope I wasn't TOO harsh up there, if I was, please, do excuse me. Now, my first tip for all of you who want to become vegetarian is eliminate meat from your diet slooowly. Don't rush things, you might overwhelm yourself with such a quick change. Start by only eating meat once a day, then two or three times a week, then once a week, then twice a month, then once a month, then once every two months, and I think you get the point now. Do this until you no longer desire meat (aka dead flesh)on your plate and you will see yourself sticking to your new diet. Best of luck! I'll post my first review this upcoming Friday! Can't wait to hear from all of you! :D <3
                                                                                       Mucho Love, 
                                                                                        Laura Romina